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Substance Abuse Prevention


SAFE for Lake County


Talking To Kids About Drugs & Alcohol: 5 Conversation Tips

According to the results of the 2018 Indiana Youth Survey, students in Lake County, Indiana reported they tried alcohol for the first time between the ages of 10 and 11. By the same age, they had also misused prescription drugs. Data shows that you have a direct influence on their decisions.

Click here to learn 5 ways you can start the conversation.

SAMHSA New 'Talk. They Hear You." Campaign Mobile App for Parents and Caregivers 

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's (SAMHSA) new "Talk. They Hear You." campaign mobile app helps parents and caregivers prepare for some of the most important conversations they may ever have with their kids. The app shows parents how to turn everyday situations into opportunities to talk with their kids about alcohol and other drugs. It also equips them with the necessary skills, confidence, and knowledge to start and continue these conversations as their kids get older. Read more about the app and download instuctions here! 

Family and Social Services Administration
Resource line where you can access appropriate mental health and substance abuse services in our area - with zero judgement

Did You Know?

Ditch the Vape

Become a Smokefree Teen

Quit Smoking Resources