Programs of Deterrence - Preventing Student Drug Use
Preventing Student Drug/Alcohol/Substance Abuse
The Partnership at FACTS about Drug, Alcohol and Substance Abuse Did You Know?
- 51% of Indiana residents ages 12 and older report current alcohol use, or use of alcohol within the last 30 days (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2012).
- 22.7% of Indiana residents ages 12 and older reported binge drinking within the last 30 days (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2012).
- On average, an Indiana youth initiates alcohol use at 13.3 years of age (Gassman et al 2012).
- In the age category of 12-20 years, 24.5% of Indiana youth stated that they currently use alcohol, and 16.4% stated that they engaged in binge drinking. Binge drinking is defined as having 5 or more alcoholic drinks in a row in one sitting within the last month. (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2012).
Partner Program (new!)
Parents: If you are interested in affordable access to confidential student urine drug testing at YOUR request with results provided DIRECTLY to you, we have recently created a partnership with our Random Student Drug Testing company, SportSafe Inc., to give you this option. Please click the link below information about the program. You can get a request form and collection order form from the Hobart High School Nurse, Mrs. Carole O'Brien.
Substance Abuse Programs:
AL ANON Information: Hotline Phone Number 769-1133
Weekly Meetings
Wednesday-9:30 am
Augustana Lutheran Church, 207 N. Kelly Street, Hobart
Drug Counseling Contacts
SAMSHA Approved Treatment Facilities
(Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration)
CHOICES Counseling Services: 219 929 7087 (
Helping Parents Deal With Teen Substance Abuse
Prescription Abuse Information
How to Hold Crucial Conversations with Your Teenager
SCHOOL CITY OF HOBART RANDOM STUDENT DRUG TESTING at Hobart Middle School and Hobart High School
CDC Study Indicates Thousands of Schools Have Random Testing Programs
Letter from ONDCP Director John Walters and Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings
Not Safe at any Dose: Marijuana and Non-medical Use of Prescription