Overview of free tutoring programs offered at HHS:
Academic Assistance is available during Power Hours (Monday and Wednesday). Teachers utilize Zoom tutoring sessions during this time.
Student/teacher tutors available upon request.
Credit Recovery embedded into the school day as well as after school for students who need to make up a class or classes.
ICU available during the day with Mr. Turner and Mrs. Benton in Room 1307 (must be assigned by administration).
Students who are identified as needing specific credits are scheduled to attend a Credit Recovery class by administration.
More Student Resources:
- Khan Academy (see postcard)
- Canvas (ask your child to show you—teachers post resources on their Canvas pages!)
- 1-800-ASK-ROSE (Homework Hotline)
- Study group: Encourage your child to form or join a study group with other students.
- Ask your child to show you his/her Skyward and Canvas pages daily. Use Skyward for grades and Canvas for a closer look at assignments.
- If your child’s grades are not satisfactory, require him/her to attend tutoring sessions.
- Contact your child’s teachers if you have questions or concerns.
- If your child says he does not have homework, don’t believe him right away. J Check Skyward and Canvas.
- If your child says he does not understand something, tell him to talk to his teacher and then ask him if he followed through. Require him to attend tutoring.