HHS Clubs & Activities Directory
HHS hosts many different clubs for the benefit of our students. They allow students to further and share knowledge while providing an outlet for those with similar interests. The following is a list of clubs and activities, along with a brief description and sponsor contact information for each.
Academic Teams:
The HHS Academic Teams were created for students who wish to extend their learning beyond what they may be exposed to in the classroom, and who would enjoy the opportunity to compete against other area schools in an academic context. Hobart High School has built a program that is well-respected in Northwest Indiana.
All of our programs offer an opportunity to advance to state level competitions and we have had multiple state finalists, including 3 Academic Superbowl State Championships, 3rd place in Quiz Bowl and State runner-up. Quiz bowl, Spell Bowl and Academic Superbowl competitions all fall under this umbrella. See below for details. Club sponsor: Mr. Darrin Cline 219-942-8521 ext 8118; Academic Teams Coordinator, Academic Superbowl Math Coach, Fellowship of Christian Athletes Co-sponsor.Academic Superbowl: Academic Superbowl has subject area teams in English, Fine Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. Each year has a different theme and these alternate between a domestic and international focus. Students compete as a group and do extensive preparation in advance of competitions which are held February - April.
Quiz Bowl
Quiz Bowl is kind of like team jeopardy. Students need to have a broad knowledge of many topics and the ability for quick recall. Questions can cover anything, but students who have strong backgrounds in geography, history, current events, scientific discovery, and/or the arts seem to do particularly well. The best Quiz Bowl teams are balanced with team members who bring different strengths. Quiz Bowl competitions take place from December - February.SpellBowl
Students have an extensive list from which to study and demonstrate their spelling abilities. This competition is not for the faint of heart and requires much time and effort for success. Spell Bowl competitions take place in October and November.Brickie Ambassadors
Brickie Ambassadors is a program created to help smooth the transition between middle school and high school for incoming freshmen. Members of this group are sophomores or juniors; they serve as mentors to new students and act as big brothers/sisters to their assigned groups. They are an integral part of the Brickie Rush Orientation which takes place before the start of school each year.Applicants should outgoing and caring students who enjoy helping others and want to make HHS a better place. The program takes hard work and dedication, but the experience is both fun and rewarding. It also builds skills that post-secondary schools and employers look for in applicants. Ambassador teams meet formally a few times per semester, as well as meeting informally throughout the year. The teams also assist in running programming for Brickie Rush. Applications are reviewed by HHS administration for selection.
Book Club
The Brickie Cove Book Club meets the third Wednesday of each month in the High School Media Center from Sept. – May. We welcome all senior citizens and all HHS students. The group gathers to read and discuss cross-generational titles. Our group has been active and meeting for almost 9 years. We have fun learning about each other and how the stories tie into our lives. We also enjoy fabulous snacks and beverages. Come join us! Contact Alice Hunt-Lounges at 219-942-8521 ext. 8028 or huntloungesclass@hobart.k12.in.us if you are interested in signing up.Chess Club
The chess club is open to anyone who plays or wants to learn to play chess. Students who chose to be on the chess team will compete in two local tournaments. Students who are not interested in completing can attend meetings just to play chess. We meet twice a week after school. For information, contact Mrs. Parrish at parrishclass@hobart.k12.in.us.First Aid Club
First Aid Club members plan and run two blood drives at HHS, as well as volunteering for community events each year. All members get CPR/First Aid-certified. Meetings take place every other Monday. For information contact Ms. Tres (tresclass@hobart.k12.in.us) or Mrs. Parrish (parrishclass@hobart.k12.in.us).French Club
French Club: This club gives French learners a chance to meet with other students learning French and to explore cultural topics that are not covered in the regular French 1-5 curriculum. Field trips and after school activities take place once per month. Attendance is not mandatory, but is encouraged. Dues ranges from $15-$20 per year; this includes the club shirt. Dues are due by the end of September. Heidi Polizotto is the French Club Sponsor. Her email is polizottoclass@hobart.k12.in.us. Phone: 942-8521 ext. 8136German Club
The purpose of the club is to learn more about Germany and to have fun with other German students. Activities include Movie Night (German film), a field trip to the Apple Orchard, a trip with other foreign language clubs to Chicago during winter break, and participation in Springfest. Mrs. Fischeris the club sponsor; her contact information is fischerclass@hobart.k12.in.us.Junior Class
Junior Class is open to juniors who are interested in planning spirit events and prom. We work all year to fundraise for prom, and each year we have great success in putting on a fabulous prom! One fundraising event that we do each year is the "Breakfast with Santa" event. We also decorate the locker bays for football and basketball homecoming weeks. If you love planning events and showing your Brickie spirit, Junior Class is the club for you! Mrs. Slough and Mrs. Krieg sponsor junior class. You can reach them at: sloughclass@hobart.k12.in.us or bkriegclass@hobart.k12.in.us.Key Club
This is a service and leadership club. Members are expected to earn 20 hours of service per year in order to put this on their transcripts. They are given multiple opportunities to lead, attend workshops, and serve. Dues are $20-$25 per year, due at the end of September. Attendance at weekly Wednesday meetings is required. Key Club is an international organization that has protocol to follow and a mission statement: "I pledge on my honor to uphold the objects of Key Club International, to serve my home, school and community, to serve my nation and God and to combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions." Key Club is sponsored by Hobart Kiwanis and its adviser is Heidi Polizotto. Her email is polizottoclass@hobart.k12.in.us. Phone: 942-8521 ext. 8136.National Honor Society (organization)
The NHS was founded in 1921 to recognize outstanding high school students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership and character. The focus of the organization is to support and promote these qualities in it' s members. Application requirements are: a cumulative G.P.A. of 3.8 or higher, an ongoing commitment of service to school or community, demonstrated leadership skills and acceptable character. These are determined based on the candidate's application along with letters of recommendation. Applications are evaluated by a council of faculty members. Students are selected to apply at the second semester of sophomore year.|
Once inducted, members are expected to maintain a cumulative G.P.A. of 3.8 or higher, attend all regularly scheduled meetings, participate in the HHS group service project, serve on a least one committee, plan/implement a leadership project, and contribute at least 20 hours of community service per year, with at least 10 hours benefiting HHS. Meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday each month. Among other projects, NHS puts on the semi-formal dance each year, and recently created an outdoor classroom at HHS. For more information contact Mrs. Gill at: gillclass@hobart.k.12in.us.Writer's Club
Writers' Club welcomes all students. If you have a passion to express yourself through poetry, song writing, stories,music, etc.then HHS Writer's Club is for you. We meet twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month in the Media Center. Sponsor: Mrs. Lounges: huntloungesclass@hobart.k12.in.us