How to Contribute
The School City of Hobart Educational Foundation needs your support. The Foundation works to enhance education by bringing the resources of the Hobart community to our public schools. Please consider a contribution to the Educational Foundation. There are many ways to participate:
Make a Donation:
Contribute through the annual mail campaign, or by contacting the Foundation at the above address.
Giving Levels:
Honor Roll: $100
Principal: $250
Honor Society: $500
Academic Society: $1,000
Purchase an Education License Plate:
You can support the School City of Hobart schools by selecting the Indiana education license plate. By specifying School City of Hobart you are making a contribution that directly supports our schools. Just $40 puts your commitment on your license plate. $15 covers plate administrative costs, and $25 goes directly to the School City of Hobart Educational Foundation. Click here for more information.
Attend the "Taste of Autumn" fundraiser:
The School City of Hobart Educational Foundation presents "Taste of Autumn" silent auction fundraiser each fall. The evening is a wonderful opportunity to socialize with educators and community leaders while contributing to the educational opportunities that Hobart Educational Foundation supports. Please call School City of Hobart Administration Building for more information on this event, (219)942-8885.
Honor an Educator:
Each year at Christmas time and during National Teacher Week each spring, you can honor an educator with a donation in his or her name to the Foundation. The Foundation notifies the educator of the gift.
Payroll Deduction:
Employees of the School City of Hobart can contribute through payroll deduction.
Make a contribution directly to our permanent endowment with the Legacy Foundation. For information about memorial gifts, gifts other than cash, or if you have any other questions, please call 942-8885.