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Local Assessments

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i-Ready K-8 Assessment

The i-Ready Diagnostic is an on-line adaptive assessment which provides student achievement results.  Educators and administrators will use the results to work towards the shared goal of student growth throughout the year.  The i-Ready Diagnostic adjusts its questions to suit student’s needs. Each item a student sees is individualized based on their answer to the previous question. For example, a series of correct answers will result in slightly harder questions, while a series of incorrect answers will yield slightly easier questions.

The purpose of the i-Ready Diagnostic is not to give students a score or grade, however the results allow our educators to see where students are, set high—but achievable—expectations for growth, and connect the right instructional tools to help them get there. Students will complete this diagnostic in MATH and ELA (3) times throughout the year (Fall, Winter, and Spring).

The i-Ready Diagnostic will provide results that help identify student’s strengths and determine the next steps for instruction.

Parent Information:

Dyslexia Screening - Completed at K-2 
Implementation of Dyslexia Senate Bill Act 217 started in 2019-2020


CogAT Cognitive Abilities Test

A key part of this programming includes our administration of the CogAT Cognitive Abilities Test in Grades K, 2, & 5

The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) is a vital tool in our educational system. Unlike traditional achievement tests, the CogAT measures a student's potential to learn and solve problems, focusing on Verbal, Quantitative, and Nonverbal reasoning abilities.

These abilities are crucial for success in school-related tasks, such as problem-solving, abstract thinking, and quick learning. The CogAT allows us to understand each student's unique cognitive profile, enabling us to tailor our teaching methods to their learning styles.

Importantly, the CogAT plays a key role in identifying high ability students. These students demonstrate exceptional potential and, by identifying them early, we can provide the challenging material they need to thrive. This ensures that all students, including those with high abilities, receive the education best suited to their needs.

In essence, while achievement tests tell us what a student has learned, the CogAT helps us understand how a student learns, which is invaluable in fostering their academic growth and success.


Ability Data

Ability data refers to insights into a student's potential for learning, their readiness to demonstrate creative problem-solving skills, and adaptability in different learning situations and environments. It goes beyond achievement data, focusing on how students learn.

To learn more, please visit:


Multiple Domains

CogAT provides detailed insights into students' verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal reasoning abilities in a short time. It offers individual scores and composites, giving a comprehensive view of student potential, unlike other tests.

To learn more, please visit:


Measure Reasoning for All Students

CogAT offers reliable data for all students, irrespective of language, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status.

To learn more, please visit:

If interested in learning practical ways to support your student’s unique abilities, visit the all-new and check out the new Resources for Parents: