Carrie Buhmann

  • Carrie Buhmann

    Hobart High School Senior
    Class of 2015

    A Brickie is someone who is dedicated, determined, motivating, giving, caring and so much more. It is not easy being a Brickie, it takes a lot of hard work and Carrie has always been up for the challenge. Her dedication and determination has shined through in school with her outstanding grades and her brightly planned future of being a trauma doctor. You can read more about her future plans in the Fall 2014 Newsletter, page 3! Her motivation, giving heart and caring personality has shined through in the community with over 600 hours of volunteer service that was unselfishly given to multiple organizations. These acts and her generosity were honored when she received the President's Volunteer Service Award, which you can see by clicking here.

    Carrie has set a high standard for us Brickies with the everyday actions she naturally takes in life. She has shown that hard work and dedication will brighten your future and give you the capabilities to reach the goals that you set! Nothing is out of reach if you work towards it, great job Carrie at showing us Brickies how to believe and achieve!

    Carrie honored for her volunteer service by the President! - February 21, 2014

    Check out our YouTube video about Carrie!