
  • Quick Actions

    The following links provide parents with insight into Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats
    as well as guidelines to prevent their child from being victimized by or engaging in
    online harmful behavior. It also provides guidance on things you can do in either

    Please partner with us to stop Cyberbullying! Read Dr. Buffington's letter here.


    Parent Guide to Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats

    Chat Abbreviations

    Predator Tips

    Common Sense Education lessons are used at the School City of Hobart across all levels to prepare students to participate fully in online communities in a safe and smart way.  This includes everything from identity privacy to bullying prevention.  It includes great pages for parents at home as well, to help your kids when they are away from school.  Check it out!

    Common Sense Education – Digital Citizenship 

    Common Sense Education – Cyberbullying Section 


    "Stop Cyberbullying" PSAs

    created by Hobart High School's TV/Media students.

    You Are Not Alone

    Nobody Knows

    One Click Is All It Takes

    The Flaws in Our Society

    An Act of Kindness