Career Volunteers

  • The School City of Hobart values volunteerism. Along with the Hobart Promise Education Group, the district promotes the career intervention of community members collaborating with schools to share information about their chosen career to support student learning. The School City of Hobart's NCA Goal on careers is as follows:

    All students will demonstrate the skills and knowledge necessary for managing the dual role of family member and wage earner by gaining employment in a high-skill career or by continuing education at the post-secondary level.


    1. All students will participate in career awareness.
    2. All students will participate in career exploration.
    3. All students will participate in school to career planning preparation.
    4. All students will participate in comprehensive guidance and counseling.
    5. Students will participate in small learning communities/Career Academies.
    6. Community/Parents/and guardians will develop career education knowledge.
    7.The district encourages community groups to collaborate with schools to support student learning.

    Please volunteer and share your career expertise with our students.

    Volunteers must fill out the following questionnaire:
    Career Volunteer Questionnaire

    Download the Presenter Guidelines and Presentation Help documents:
    Presenter Guidelines | Presentation Help

    Thank you for your interest in the Career Awareness Program.

    Career Volunteer Invitation Letter

    Thank You Letter

    School Contacts