Brickie Parent Cafe
The Brickie Parent Café is a collection of podcasts for Brickie parents (and even some for students!) on various subjects.
School City of Hobart
- Welcome from Dr. Buffington 2023-24
- Teaching Responsibility to Young Children
- For Students: Vision Boards
- Time Management for Homework
- Brickie Wellness with Mrs. Matthys
- Khan Academy Parent Dashboard with Dr. Krieg
- HU Interviews: Dr. Buffington with HHS Students
- Using Khanmigo to Get Help at Home with Ms. Bartsch
- Honesty, Ownership, and Responsibility with Mr. Reno
- Red Ribbon Week Kick-Off with Mrs. Matthys
- The Mood of Gratitude with Ms. Krolak
- Pits and Peaks with Mr. Reno
- Goal Setting With Mrs. Matthys
- Beyond the Books: Igniting Passion and Involvement in Student Life with Mr. Reno
- Brickie Mottos with Mr. Whiteman
- Intent v. Perception with Mr. Reno
- Leaping Into the Day the Brickie Way with Dr. Krieg
- Finishing Strong: The Power of Mindset and Perseverance with Mr. Reno
Hobart High School
Hobart Middle School
Joan Martin Elementary School
Liberty Elementary School
Veterans Elementary School
ELC at George Earle
If you have a suggestion for a podcast topic, please email bblack@hobart.k12.in.us